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Monday, 12 April 2010

Album Details: Johnny Flynn - Been Listening (June 7, 2010)

Johnny Flynn (For Fans Of: Laura Marling/Mumford & Sons/Noah & The Whale)
Been Listening (June 7, 2010)

Johnny Flynn yesterday announced further details of his new album 'Been Listening', due June 7, 2010 via Transgressive, along with a European and UK Tour, including dates with Mumford & Sons in April and with his band The Sussex Wit in May. New single (due May 31) 'Kentucky Pill' is being offered from today as a free download and supposedly provides the 'perfect introduction' to Flynn's latest instalment of close-knit storytelling folk music. Having only heard limited snippets of debut 'A Larum' and the Sweet William EP, I'm more familiar with the artist through compilations and a drip of MP3s than in any real sense, but I have to say that the new recordings impress me.

The new song puts into practise a groove which two releases worth of songs have hinted at to date; but by no means is this a 'mainstream single' of sorts, rather a brilliantly arranged and rootsy jam session with soulful vocals and jangling strings. Grand brass sections over traditional folk instrumentation coupled with unaccented and honest vocals perfectly justify his classification alongside those such as Jay Jay Pistolet, Jeremy Warmsley and Noah & The Whale on the British anti-folk scene. Indeed even Laura Marling, who Flynn has toured with in the past, offers her vocal prowess to a duet on one of the album tracks. Download new single 'Kentucky Pill' below, buy the album, and check out his upcoming tour below.

Johnny Flynn - Kentucky Pill (MP3)
Johnny Flynn - The Box (Live @ Hush) (MP3) props to Summer Days Through The Folkish Haze

Buy A Larum on

Search For Been Listening on

With Mumford & Sons:
Fri 9 April Rotterdam Motel Mozaique Festival
Sun 11 April Copenhagen Lopeen
Mon 12 April Stockholm Debaser Club Stage
Wed 14 April Cologne E-Werk
Thu 15 April Berlin Astra
Fri 16 April Munich Backstage Werk
Sun 18 April Hamburg Docks
Tue 20 April Lille Le Grand Mix
Fri 23 April Lyon Epicerie Moderne
Mon 26 April Utrecht Tivoli
Tue 27 April Brussels Ab Club
Thu 29 April Zurich Rote Fabrik - Clubraum
Fri 30 April Bologna Covo
Sat 1 May Rome Circolo Degli Artisti

Johnny Flynn and The Sussex Wit on tour:
Sun 16 May Birmingham Glee Club
Mon 17 May Leeds Cockpit
Wed 19 May Manchester Academy 3
Thu 20 May Glasgow Oran Mor
Sat 22 May Nottingham Rescue Rooms
Sun 23 May Bristol Thekla
Tue 25 May Brighton Komedia
Wed 26 May London Electric Ballroom

Highlands Tour (All Dates Solo):
Fri 28 May Ullapool The Ceilidh Place
Sat 29 May Stornoway Era
Mon 31 May Inverness Hootanannys
Tue 1 June Aberdeen Caf Drummond
Wed 2 June Dundee Dukes Corner 

1 comment:

  1. Just been listening to 'Kentucky Pill' and, wow. Can't get the download to work, may just be my computer. You can download the track here for free too - can't wait to hear more.


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