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Monday, 26 April 2010

Introducing.. His Clancyness - Summer Majestic (25/4)

His Clancyness is the solo project of Jonathan Clancy, a Canadian native who has been the subject of some serious Pitchfork love ever since his rendition of So Bored hit the blogosphere in June 2009. Ten months on from the Wavves cover, Saturday saw his return with the news via Myspace blog that a new LP is in the works via Secret Furry Hole and Ester. In celebration, Clancy also dropped us a wonderful new track - Summer Majestic. Mixing 80s dream pop melody with an unmistakable echo of Arcade Fire in the vocal, the punchy percussion, jarring basslines and reverb-soaked guitars join equally hazy vocal layering to create a snippet of late summer surf nostalgia. In a murky psychedelic dash for something even less direct than the former releases, acoustics are even more distantly recorded, and even more looped and layered on the new track. Squealing lead guitar lines are almost as manipulated as the voice, eventually taking precedence over the downbeat and beachy rhythms which bind His Clancyness' music together.

His Clancyness - Summer Majestic (MP3)
His Clancyness - So Bored (Wavves Cover) (MP3)

Buy/Pre-order His Clancyness's music via Myspace.


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