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Sunday, 9 August 2009


Little more is understood of British psychedelic three-piece Plugs than that their existence is an alternate project of Does It Offend You Yeah?'s former lead guitarist Morgan Q. He plays guitars and drum machines and sings the lead vocals for the long-since formed Peckham band, and is joined live by the mysterious pseudonymns of his nameless bandmates David Chin and Boomer on bass, keys and backing vocals.

According to the Plugs myspace, the group of electronic musicians have been making Psychedelic/Concrete/Progressive music since their casual formation in London late 2005. They have an impressive Festival season ahead (and behind them) having already played Loop Festival and Field Day this August, with future dates at the BBC Introducing... stage at Reading and Leeds Festivals as well as V Festival on the 22nd.

Plugs only really started playing music regularly once again earlier this year, following Morgan Q's concise and well publicised split with his former band in April, making the claims that Does It Offend were never really 'his sort of band aesthetically' and that he felt he had a better 'creative outlet' in the form of Plugs. Plugs output so far has certainly appeared far more creative than anything made in the form of Does It Offend You Yeah? Morgan's switch marks a reshuffle of priorities - the band has had material for years, even if it got a bit neglected following success elsewhere.

There obviously are elements of the former band incorporated into the new project, whether intended or not - but instead of the synthesizers turned up to 11, chaotic structures and the ferocious live shows they became famous for, the new music is a calmer take on prog-rock style synthpop music. Opener 'Opening Theme' is grand enough to lure any listener into a live show - in a sense, the music speaks entirely for itself. The vocals remain eccentric and distinctly British in humour and delivery, at times they remind of Bloc Party, but the music is often closer to those at the height of electronic creativity, Black Moth Super Rainbow, The Octopus Project and even a fuller sounding Portishead spring to mind. Plugs manage to make dark and intelligent music into fun music, Hot Chip style.

As of yet there is no news of an album, but with the band quickly gaining live momentum and a fanbase as dedicated as the last project, an album and tour of some sort is surely only a matter of time. Pick up single Imaginary Friend below.

Plugs - Imaginary Friend

Plugs Myspace


  1. Saw these chaps at The Great Escape in some underground club... super impressed by them, one of the finds of the festival.
    Good write up! Been trying to find an mp3 of them for far too long, thankles

  2. thanks, no problem. they are a definite for me to see at reading, i was seriously impressed when i first heard them, especially seeing as i'm not a particular fan of Does it offend.


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